Abrochtha intermedia: dorsoventral view. A species with two oval-shaped orange cerebral eyespots. The trochal pedicels are reduced in this species. Specimen from (2). |
Abrochtha intermedia: dorsoventral view. This specimen was feeding on unicellular green algae (Oocystis sp.). Because of the red color of the intestine and the long tapered spurs this specimen was first misidentified as Philodina roseola, which occured in the same sample. (1) |
Abrochtha intermedia: dorsoventral view, rotatory apparatus retracted. Like in the image above some unicellular green alga are visible in the lumen of the stomach of this specimen. (1) |
Abrochtha intermedia: ventral view, focus plane on the ventral part of the rotatory apparatus. Tr: trochus; Ci, cingulum; M: cavity leading to the mouth. (1) |
Abrochtha intermedia: head, dorsal view, focus plane on the trochus of the rotatory apparatus. (1) |
Abrochtha intermedia, lateral view of a whirling specimen.. (1) |
Abrochtha intermedia: crop of the above image showing some details of the mastax. The arrow points to the ramus apophysis. The small triangles point to the 3 major teeth of the right uncus. Also visible is one of the two conspicuous cerebral eyespots. DA: dorsal antenna; Ro: rostrum. (1) |
Abrochtha intermedia, lateral view of a specimen with retracted corona. Focus plane on the extended rostrum (1) |
Abrochtha intermedia, lateral view of another specimen with retracted corona. As with other genera like Philodina or Philodinavus it becomes evident that the rostrum has two parts, a dorsal and a ventral (arrowheads), each bearing cilia. |
Abrochtha intermedia: 4 aspects of the head with retracted corona. Upper left: cilia of the rostrum. Upper right: rostrum lamella. Lower left: optical median section; focus plane on the center of the rostrum. Possibly this image shows some sensory cells in the rostrum. (1) Lower right: the arrowhead points to one of the flame cells / protonephridia. Also visible are the orange cerebral eyespots. Specimen from (3); |
Abrochtha intermedia: foot of specimen from (1); left: dorsal view, the arrowheads point to the 4 toes; right: ventral view, retracted toes form an x-like pattern. |
Abrochtha intermedia: left: foot of creeping specimen from (5) with acute spurs and interspace; also visible are the 4 toes. Right: posterior part of specimen from (3) with oval egg; foot with acute spurs and interspace. |
Abrochtha intermedia: integument of a compressed specimen. Right: crop. |
Abrochtha intermedia:ramate trophi. in cephalic view; ramus length: 21µm. Specimen from (6). |
Abrochtha intermedia: whirling specimen with yellow stomach from (3); dorsal view. |
Abrochtha intermedia: specimen from (4); dorsoventral view. |
Abrochtha intermedia: specimen from (2) |
Abrochtha intermedia: while some specimens have a more or less yellow-brown stomach some specimens (from a different location) show two colors: yellow and bright red, which seem to belong to separate organs/ entities in the digestive system. (2) |
Abrochtha intermedia: another specimen from (2); frontal view from about 45 degrees dorsal off the longitudinal axis. |
Abrochtha intermedia: specimen from (5); |
Abrochtha intermedia: this specimen is "grazing" on a fiber of tissue paper that was accidentally left on the slide. This image demonstrates that (in contrast to other bdelloids) the mastax of specimens of the family Philodinavidae can be protruded. |
Location: Hagen, Germany, garden, sandstone bird bath (1); |
Habitat: detritus. This species seems to occur preferably in ephemeral pools. (Together with Philodina roseola, Otostephanos regalis). In contrast to the observation of other researchers this sample did not contain filamentous alge but coccal green algae (Oocystis sp.), desmids and procaryota (Croococcus sp.) (1); |
Date: 26.02.2016 (1); |
Location : Kersaint, Bretagne, France; hiking path; lithotelma 6b (2); (3); (4) |
Habitat: detritus (2); (3); (4) |
Date : 23.08.2020 (2); 24.08.2020 (3) 23.08.2020 (4); |
Location (5): nature reserve NSG Unteres Odertal; BB, Germany; Mummertgraben, footpath |
Habitat (5): moss in inundation area |
Date (5): coll.: 28.05.2022; img.: 07.06.2022 |
Date: 26.02.2016 (1); 23.08.2020 (2); 24.08.2020 (3) 23.08.2020 (4); |